Sonic Drill – Truck Mounted

Gregg Drilling has expanded the sonic drilling fleet with the addition of a new Fraste FS250 truck mounted sonic drill rig. It is ideal for high production and deep geotechnical, environmental, and exploration projects. The built-in automated rod handling, triple break out wrenches, and fully encaged platform keep safety in the forefront of what we do. This extremely capable and advanced machine can drill 6” casing to 1000’bgs in nearly any geology.


  • Borings up to 1000’ bgs
  • Borings up to 14” diameter
  • 2” Wells to 1000’ bgs
  • 4” wells to 500’ bgs
  • 6” wells to 400’ bgs
  • 20’ rods (high production)
  • Auto rod handler

Download the Truck-mounted Sonic drilling specification sheet for more details